Bigfoot Sightings Started Early

The first bigfoot, or sasquatch, sighting was documented by Lief Erikson, the Norse explorer, in 986 AD. He arrived in North America and almost immediately journaled about people covered in hair, dark skin, and with black eyes who howled like nothing he had heard before.

We Aggregate and Share Reports (if you approve)

We collaborate with some of the biggest players in the different communities. We recommend you also check them out and let us know if we are missing someone. From UFO's, USO's, Bigfoot, Conspiracy, Aliens, the Paranormal, and everything else bizarre, mystical and strange. At least reach out and let us know what you have seen. We are also planning to publish advice on how to spot a hoax and free resources for analysis on your own.

Mysterious Universe

A long time favorite for us is Mysterious Universe. Those guys from down-under and both hilarious and engaging. Would be incredible to meet them some day. They cover everything interesting while being very entertaining. Check them out at


National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC)

A great central resource to find a lot of information. Well established for a long time, they have a lot of reports to see. How we differ is in our breadth and modern approach. We are considering reaching out to NUFORC to collaborate. Maybe we could marry our technical chops with their reputation to build something great. Have a look and send them a report if you don't report through us. They can be found at


Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO)

A great place to research and send in your Bigfoot sightings. BFRO has a great bunch of information where you could lost for hours reading and researching. Feel free to send your report to them directly, or we can do it for you. While this site does have a great bunch of information we are looking to take reports to the next level. Feel free to check them out though at

Send in your report...

We will send it along. Also, keep checking back for updates. We will also be offering a registration in the near future where members will get deeper access to the data, including pictures, searches, and a place to keep track of your own submissions.